Lent is a season marked by reflection and confession prior to Easter. Traditionally, the Church uses this time to fast, recognizing our depravity and need for Jesus’ salvation. This Lent, FBCM will be studying Mark’s gospel as we expand “Holy Week” into an entire series called Passion: When God's Love Meets Our Betrayal. We will explore the many ways in which the disciples betray Jesus leading up to his death. But more importantly, we will also see how our God responds to our betrayals with his love and invites us into repentance and life everlasting.
As you fast from something this Lent, we encourage you to consider replacing that thing with one of the options below. Whether it’s through family discipleship, meditating on music, or seeking theological understanding, these spiritual practices below are a great starting point for recentering our lives on Christ.
FBCM 2024 Living Lent Calendar
Pastor Kendall and Carolyn Harke (Adult Coordinator) created a calendar of daily activities that families of all ages can practice together as they grow their faith this Lenten season. Each activity builds on the theme of that Sunday’s worship, can be finished in 15 minutes, and only uses normal things from around the house.
Listening to Holy Week
Here’s some albums that bring Mark’s gospel to life. Links go to Spotify, but you can listen on your preferred media app.
Reading Through Lent
Here’s some written materials that will deepen your understanding of Lent and the cross.
Truett Seminary’s 2024 Daily Lenten Devotional Guide – Written by students and faculty, this free devotional can be completed in 5 minutes a day. It’s a great way to begin each morning!
Lent: The Season of Repentance and Renewal by Essau McCaulley – This book is one of six in “The Fullness of Time” series edited by Easau McCaulley. Each book in the series is written by a different pastor theologian in an all-star cast, discussing each season of the Church Calendar. This book, obviously, focuses on Lent and its significant connection to repentance from the ways we betray God. This is on Pastor Kendall’s “to be read” pile this year! Let her know if you want to read it with her!
The Crucifixion by Flemming Rutledge – Available to order wherever books are sold, this is a book of theology written by an Anglican pastor. One of Pastor Jonathan’s favorites, he’d love to talk with you about this book and why Christ’s cross is so crucial to the Christian faith! Don’t let the book’s size intimidate you!