“Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.” - Hebrews 13:6-16
FBCM is excited to welcome Jordan and Mindy Morris to lead worship on Sunday, April 21, 2024. They are the Camp Directors of Indian Creek Baptist Camp in Bedford, IN. Jordan will be preaching the message on this year’s camp theme: Always. In addition to reading Hebrews 13:6-16 and Psalm 118:1-6, you can prepare for worship by reading Pastor Kendall’s interview with the Morrises below!
Q: What was your favorite thing about camp when you were growing up?
A: Every part of it! I was kind of a wild kid, so playing outside all day was a perfect fit for who I was. It was a really rainy day during my first time at camp. I wasn’t sure how it was going to go until we played mud kickball, which is exactly what it sounds like. When you kick the ball, you have to slide through the mud puddles into the bases. It was everything a 5th grade boy wants. From then on, I was hooked. Hooked on the fun, the activities, and the time hanging out with friends.
Q: When did you come to ICBC? What drew you there?
A: Oh…let’s see. I think I first started in 1998 as a camper. I went to FBC, and my friends invited me to go. They had a tradition of going to ICBC together. I spent 4 years as a camper, then 8 years on staff. In 2010 I started this role as Camp Director. Mindy has a similar story, but she actually came first! She started as an ICBC camper a couple years before I did.
Q: What do you love about being ICBC's Camp Director?
A: Mindy and I heard God’s call to serve at ICBC so clearly. Being Camp Directors is just who He's created us to be, so we love living out that calling. The gifts we have help us to succeed here. Mindy has a degree in Early Education. I studied Secondary Education and Life Sciences. I’ve also learned a lot on the job, too: plumbing, groundskeeping, and so on. Mindy is incredible at program planning. She can make any game an object lesson for spiritual formation.

Q: What are the "must-dos" for new campers at ICBC?
A: Definitely play Monsoon! Let’s be clear: it’s a pointless game. There’s no goal or outcome. Your team is just trying to get as wet as you can in a relay-type series of events. Monsoon is hilarious and everyone loves it.
Honestly, this points to another deeper “must-do.” New campers should embrace the fun! Go all out on the themes, memory making, and adventure! Like if it’s Medieval Night, eat the messy chicken legs and corn cobs from the table and go all out on jousting with pool noodles. Have fun and don't worry about fitting in. Just be yourself. Campers get the best experience when they are themselves in every way. As I heard one camper say, "Camp is where I can be the most me." That is the atmosphere we strive to create at ICBC.
Ultimately, at the end of the week we want campers to have accomplished three things: connect, refresh and grow. This is ICBC’s vision. No matter how silly or serious something seems, every activity at camp will intentionally help you to connect, refresh, and grow with God and others. This is why we’re here.
Q: How did you pick this year's camp theme?
A: There’s not a super formal process for picking a camp theme. It’s more of a time of discernment as many camp leaders come together to listen and follow God’s prompting. In the Spring, we look for inspiration as we begin thinking about next year. Mindy and I will send ideas to Session Directors and Camp Pastors. It’s usually something God spoke through a song, devotional, or podcast.
It’s tricky because the theme must be simple enough to be communicated in one day with Kindergarteners and deep enough to focus on for an entire week with High School. Narrow and broad. All ICBC themes are Gospel driven, but we also strive for topics that can be found across the entire narrative of scripture. And we always pick something that is relevant to what young people face today.
So last year’s theme was “Come to the Table.” Throughout the summer, we looked at images of tables and feasting throughout scripture.Personally, that was a particularly meaningful theme for me.
“Always”--the 2024 camp theme–came out of songs and a devotion about how God has always been doing things. But it was kind of awkward to say “Always Been,” so we ultimately decided to abbreviate it to “Always.” The one word seemed to emphasize God’s eternal faithfulness and action. In the Psalms, David begs the question, “Where can I go from your spirit?” Nowhere. David always has God surrounding him. And the incredible thing that we will see both on Sunday and throughout this summer is that God is always with us, too.
Every year, we make a playlist of songs that goes along with the camp theme. As you continue to think about how God is always with you, I encourage you to give this year’s ICBC playlist a listen. As you prepare for Sunday, you should especially pay attention to “Always Love Me” by Iron Bell Music and “Always With Me (Song for Anxiety)” by IAmSon.
Lightning Round Questions:
-Fav Camp Food: Jiffy. It’s the most “camp thing” ever. It’s basically a pancake wrapped around sausage on a stick like a breakfast corn dog. I also really like the “Golden Meal.” We only eat gold-colored foods: chicken nuggets, mac n cheese, and mandarin oranges. It’s nothing fancy, but we make a big deal out of the “Golden Meal.” And ICBC has the best mac n cheese.
-Best Camp Tradition: Deep conversations on a swing. ICBC has multiple swings around the camp. And some of those swings are really old. I honestly don’t know why that's such a big part of our camp culture, but people love to relax in the shade together and just talk. It’s a great way that I see campers connect, refresh, and grow.
-Fav Bible Verse: This changes. A lot of time it has to do with the theme of the upcoming season. Last year was a message that affected me in a deep way because of John 21. It's when Jesus meets with his disciples on the sea shore after the resurrection. The disciples are trying to leave, and Jesus says, "come and have breakfast with me." It really shows me God's intimacy and provision for us.
-Award for Best Camp Prank: We stay away from pranks in a BIG way. But there are some approved ones like getting the camp staff soaked in Monsoon. ICBC pranks have to make people feel part of the team. Included and loved. Team building pranks make people feel part of the family.
-Go-to Fun Fact: I’m usually the one on stage who's like "oh man!" because I can’t think of one…I guess my fun fact is that I have a great uncle who was an astronaut and has done three space walks. He’s never been on the moon, but he’s been outside the shuttle.
Closing Remarks:
ICBC is an easy place to love because of the people. I always love to bring more people into the camp family. Lots of other camps have the big activities like zip lines, waterfront properties, and wild games. But ICBC’s family culture is what brings people back each year. We look forward to having FBCM join the ICBC family this year.
There will be many opportunities to connect more with the Morrises on Sunday. Youth Families, please remember to join Pastor Kendall and Jordan for the Camp Info Meeting during Donut Fellowship at 10:15AM. The Morrises will also have a table set-up with information about ICBC near the Welcome Center. Stop by the table after worship to introduce yourself and learn how you can support God's work at ICBC.