In the church calendar, Lent is the 40 days before Easter. During Lent, we prepare ourselves for the mystery of Easter through contemplation, repentance, service, and almsgiving (financial gifts to help the poor). Please see below how you can join us in the 2025 Lenten season.
Ash Wednesday
Wednesday, March 5
Charis Student Ministries - 6:30 PM at Riverside Avenue Baptist Church
Taize Worship with High Street UMC - 7:00 PM at High Street UMC
Ash Wednesday is the first day of Lent. It is a time when we remember "from dust we were created, and to dust we will return." There will be two special, mid-week worship opportunities. Both services will include reflection on our constant need for God's sustaining mercy and the mark of ashes. BSU Campus Minister, Daniel Harris, will lead the Charis service. Pastors Jonathan and Kendall will be leading with Pastor Teri at High Street.
Serve Your City Day
Saturday, March 8, 8:30AM-Noon
Traditionally, almsgiving and self-denial are key parts of the Lenten season as we meditate on our need for Christ in our everyday lives. As we live out our church’s current watchword (“Not to be served, but to serve”), FBCM will kick-off this Lent with a special all church service day. Register on Church Center to serve on one of three teams: Christian Ministries, Isaiah 117 House, and Muncie Mission. We will meet at the church at 8:30AM for a breakfast snack and prayer. We will volunteer from 9AM-Noon. Everyone is encouraged to wear either their event t-shirt or a gray shirt of your choice.

Lenten Bingo Bags
Sunday, March 9 at 10:45AM (Continuing through Lent)
Advent Boxes were such a hit, we are bringing them back for Lent. But this time, with a twist! Join us in worship on Sunday, March 9 to collect your family’s Lenten Bingo Bag! This discipleship resource will follow our Walking in Wisdom worship series and will be available to all FBCM families (not just those with kids). Who will get BINGO first? Can you cover your whole board?

Men’s Lenten Breakfasts
Saturdays March 15 through April 12, 9:00AM
Join men (age 13+) from throughout the Northeast Region of ABC IN/KY for breakfast fellowship and worship each Saturday of Lent, March 15 through April 12, 9AM at various locations. FBCM will be hosting the final breakfast on April 12. The theme for this series is “Men Answering the Call to Serve God in Our Own Generation,” based on Acts 13:36a. The breakfasts are free, but you will need to RSVP to one week prior to each that you intend to attend. A special offering will be collected each week to benefit Indian Creek Baptist Camp.
Christian Ministries' Lenten Series
Wednesdays in Lent + Good Friday, Noon
FBCM Community Partner, Christian Ministries, will be hosting a community Lenten series at FBCM's sanctuary each Wednesday at noon. During Holy Week, they will host a Good Friday service instead (April 18 at noon). In addition to prayer and meditation, throughout the series there will be almsgiving opportunities to support the work of Christian Ministries.
ABC IN/KY Mission Trip: Randolph County
Sunday, March 23-Wednesday, March 26
Many of us remember the destructive tornadoes that ripped through Winchester last year, March 2024. Another service opportunity this Lent is to join the continuing rebuilding efforts alongside volunteers from throughout our denomination. If you cannot do the physical labor, there will be opportunities to help welcome, make, and serve food to this mission team. See The Wednesday Weekly for details.

Fresh Brewed Life
Saturday, April 5, 10:00AM-Noon
Women (ages 13+) are invited to a time of fellowship and reflection over brunch. Taylor University student, Kaia Mills will be speaking.
Palm Sunday
Sunday, April 13, 10:45AM
Join us for a special worship as we follow the children with their palms into Holy Week.
Good Friday Service of Shadows
Friday, April 18, 7:00PM
Join us for worship at FBCM as we remember the death of our Lord. During this service, we will remember the events of Holy Week, leading to Jesus' death on the cross. With each scripture reading and prayer, the lights will be dimmed until the Light of the World goes dark.

Easter Sunday Celebration
Sunday, April 20
Christ is risen! He is risen, indeed! FBCM will have a full day of celebrating our risen Lord and Savior!
8:30 AM - Sunrise Prayer & Floral Cross - FBCM Pavilion
9:30 AM - Carry-In Breakfast - Fellowship Hall
10:45 AM - Easter Worship Gathering (with Baptisms & Children's Church) - Sanctuary
Immediately After Worship - Easter Egg Hunt (Children 5th grade and younger)
Easter Open House
Saturday, April 26, 1:00-5:00PM at the Pastor's House
Everyone is invited to the third annual Pastors’ Open House as we continue to celebrate Easter together. Register on Church Center to sign up for a time slot to visit between 1-5PM!