Resources this week focus on strain and separation in relationships: navigating difficult relationships, facing loss, and the cost of discipleship in the Kingdom of God.
These resources correspond with the Sunday, May 26th sermon "Anti-Family Values Jesus!?" on Luke 9:57-9:62.
For our first week of our "Kingdom Family Vacation," series, we interviewed Eric from Taiwan. He is Pastor Kendall and Jonathan's friend from seminary. He did not grow up in a Christian family.
While Eric maintains a good relationship with his family, he also believes the experience of Christians in countries where Christians are not in the majority can help American Christians understand the difficult "Anti-Family" sayings of Jesus.
"The Cost of Following Jesus" - Episode 2 - Exploring My Strange Bible Podcast - Tim Mackie (audio)
“Navigating Difficult Relationships” - Episode 15 - God Hears Her podcast from “Our Daily Bread” ministries. (audio)
Habits of the Household by Justin Whitmel Earley. (2021) (book, video series)
The book looks at the household through the lens of discipleship and spiritual formation.
The New Friendship Class in B-05 (Sun. 9:30 a.m.) is going through this video series (Summer 2024).
A Grief Observed - C.S. Lewis (1961) (book)
A classic, personal Christian meditation on grief and loss.
Madness & Grace podcast with Dr. Matthew Stanford, PhD, Director of the Hope & Healing Center & Institute. A podcast on mental health and faith (audio)