This year, Holy Week officially begins with Palm Sunday on March 23 and lasts until Easter morning, March 31. There are many things to be excited about as we finish the 2024 Lenten season and anticipate Easter celebrations together at FBCM! We hope you will plan to join us for the festivities and worship services below!

Spring Egg Hunt - Saturday, March 23
2:00 p.m. - The Ross Community Center
All families are invited to kick off Holy Week with FBCM, sister churches, and the Ross Community Center at this year's community egg hunt! We ask that you not arrive until 2:00 p.m. Children will be assigned to two egg hunt areas based on age, and the egg hunt will begin promptly at 2:30 p.m.
In preparation for this event, candy and egg donations can be brought to the FBCM Welcome Center. Interested volunteers can email children[at]

Palm Sunday - Sunday, March 24
9:30 a.m. - Sunday School (Various Classrooms)
10:15 a.m. -Donut [Semi-] Hour (Fellowship Hall)
10:45 a.m. - Worship (Sanctuary)
Join us for a special day of worship. Children and youth will kick off the service with a Palm Parade. Families who wish to participate in this special way to remember Christ's entry into Jerusalem should meet outside the Welcome Center to receive branches by 10:40 a.m.
Music this week will be a beautiful mix from FBCM's ecumenical Handbell Choir and Praise Team. Pastor Kendall will preach the final sermon in the Passion: When God's Love Meets Our Betrayal series, titled "Passion Despite Ignorance."
For more information about worship at FBCM keep your eyes on the Wednesday Weekly news!
Good Friday - Friday, March 29
Noon - Christian Ministries' Community Service (FBCM Sanctuary)
7:00 p.m. - FBCM's Service of Shadows (FBCM Sanctuary)
This year there will be two opportunities to remember that Christ went to the cross on Calvary for our salvation.
During the lunch hour, Christian Ministries of Delaware County is hosting a brief time of reflection and prayer. FBCM Ministry Resident and Christian Ministries Board President, James Heimlich, will be giving the homily. This event is open to anyone in the community.

Later that evening, FBCM will be hosting our traditional Service of Shadows. This intergenerational worship service will continue our study of Mark's gospel. There will not be a sermon. Instead, we will read and reflect on the events of Jesus' arrest, trial, crucifixion, and death. With each scripture reading and special music, you can expect the sanctuary to get darker and darker until the life of Christ has ended.
Easter Sunrise Prayer - Sunday, March 31
6:15 a.m. - FBCM's Pavilion (corner of parking lot)
Some of FBCM's elder members will remember the days when FBCM participated in a sunrise service. This year, we are bringing it back! We know it's early, so all are invited to roll out of bed and come as they are. Like the women who went to leave gifts at Jesus' tomb, we invite you to bring flowers for a collective art piece to honor the Lord. As the sun rises over Muncie, our prayers will rise to the Lord as we begin to celebrate the light and life that Christ Jesus gives us all this resurrection Sunday!
Sunrise prayer will last for about thirty minutes. Everyone will have about two and a half hours to go home, get ready, and return for Easter Worship!

Easter Worship - Sunday, March 31
9:30 a.m. - Sunday School (Various Classrooms)
10:15 a.m. - Easter Brunch (Fellowship Hall)
10:45 a.m. - Worship (Sanctuary)
We invite you to join us for a celebration of Christ's Resurrection!
Sunday School for all ages will meet as usual. Since Easter is a feast day in the Church Calendar, following Sunday School, we encourage everyone to grab a plate of food, and hot coffee, and enjoy fellowship during Easter Brunch. Around 10:40 a.m., we will all head upstairs to meet the same Christ who was raised from the grave in the preaching of the word, and in lifting our voices in praise. Co-Pastors Jonathan and Kendall will preach together on 1 Corinthians 15, so you won't want to miss it!
There are ways for all ages to be involved in celebrating the resurrection of Jesus. For more information on our worship see our "What to Expect" page!
Bright Monday - April 1st
The Church Office will be closed the Monday after Easter.
Easter Open House with the Pastors - Saturday, April 13
Noon - 5:00 p.m. - Pastor Jonathan's and Pastor Kendall's House
While this event doesn't technically fall on Holy Week, we recognize that Easter is more than just one Sunday a year! Eastertide is a 50-day celebration of Jesus' victory over death, hell, and sin! To keep the celebration going, the Pastors would like to invite everyone to their 2nd Annual Easter Open House. You can find their address in the Weekly Wednesday the week of the event.
To help with traffic, please register on Planning Center for the one-hour time slot that your family plans to stop by and hang out. While you can register for whichever time works best for your schedule, Alpha the Dog will be put away during the noon slot to accommodate our friends with allergies. We are encouraging all Youth (Grades 6-12) to register for the 3:00 p.m. slot as their "Second Saturday" event for March.