There are two types of membership at First Baptist.
Full Member
To join Muncie First Baptist Church a person normally will present himself / herself for membership by coming forward at the end of a worship service when the pastor invites people to join the church.
Any person who professes faith in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior may be admitted for membership by making your profession of faith in Jesus Christ public and following that with baptism, by transferring your membership from another church or by stating that you are a Christian and have been a member of a church, but for some reason transfer of a letter from that church is unlikely.
Although Muncie First Baptist Church only baptizes believers by immersion, the church accepts any member who was baptized in the name of the Father, Son, & Holy Spirit, and trusts in Christ as Lord and Savior. If you were baptized as an infant, our membership form may ask if you have taken any form of confirmation class.
Associate Member
Any believer who is temporarily living in the Muncie community may unite with Muncie First Baptist Church during the individual’s stay in Muncie and retain membership in his/her home church.
Traditionally, college students have joined as associate members.
An Associate Member has no vote on church matters and may not hold elected positions, but may attend church meetings, may assume some positions of leadership, and is invited to participate in all church activities. Such membership terminates upon completion of his/her temporary stay.